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    Personal Lubricants

    Fertility-Friendly Lubricant

    Good Clean Love


    Why Healthy Ingredients Matter

    Shocker! According to a new 2017 “Ingredient Confusion” study released by Label Insight, a SmartLabel solution provider, American women are concerned about what is in their personal care products.Of more than 1,000 consumers surveyed, 68% said they believe it is important or extremely important to consider the ingredients when deciding which products to buy.The study revealed that when consumers don’t understand product ingredients, it affects both their feelings toward a brand and their purchasing behavior.

    While this doesn’t come as a much of a surprise to us, the fact that manufacturers in the personal care consumer product industry are now becoming more aware of the importance of using healthy ingredients (and being transparent about those ingredients) is exciting nonetheless.

    In truth, the information contained in this study is not all that astonishing. It makes sense that, as consumers, we care about the ingredients that go into the products we’re using on our bodies- just as we care about the food that we’re putting in them! 61% of women in the study said they are more likely to buy personal care products that contain ingredients they understand or recognize. This means that you’re concerned about the ingredients that make up your personal care products– and so are we. In fact, the use of healthy, natural, organic ingredients is one of the founding principles from which Good Clean Love was born.

    Our founder, Wendy Strgar, originally created Good Clean Love out of her own need for a safe, non-irritating personal lubricant. She explains, “[When we first started] I had severe reactions to the heavily concentrated petrochemical products available on the market at that time, and I knew that giving up on my sex life would be a dead-end in my marriage. Beginning in my kitchen, my dream of changing the intimacy product shelf to incorporate more healthy, organic products took root. There is nothing quite as satisfying for me as developing formulations for organic products that support the wellbeing of loving intimate relationships.”

    Wait a minute…

    The consumer survey, however, also gave insight into some alarming trends: When buying personal care products, 79% of women said they are at least sometimes confused about ingredients listed on the package label. Of those, 45% are often, very often or almost always confused. What’s worse, only 2% of women surveyed said they always understand what all the ingredients in a product are.

    Unfortunately, these statistics point to a larger, more startling problem underlying the industry: there is a big discrepancy between the standards for personal care products used by manufacturers, and those held by consumers. Many products currently on the market contain a number ofharmful ingredients and chemicals that are of serious concern to women’s health, specifically. For example, as promulgated by Women’s Voices, Summer’s Eve (a maker of feminine hygiene products) is marketed to make women feel their vaginas are dirty and in need of cleansing. Unfortunately, their idea of “clean” involves a slew of toxic chemicals. From a formaldehyde releaser to hidden fragrance chemicals, Women’s Voices labeled Summer’s Eve abig problem for women’s health.

    This is why Good Clean Love is proud to be a trailblazer in the industry as an advocate for the use of healthy, natural ingredients. We are committed to providing our customers with organic, healthy solutions for intimacy and sexual health, and we are dedicated to creating products that are natural inside and out- because a healthy you, is a happy you.

    All of our products are free of the harmful petrochemicals and parabens that traditional lubricants contain. To learn more about our products, clickhere.

    For more information on the 2017 Ingredient Confusion Study, you can find ithere.

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