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Personal Lubricants

Fertility-Friendly Lubricant


Making Love Sustainable

The scent of desire, it turns out, has more to do with our biological imperative than we might have ever imagined. That magical X factor in seeking and connecting to your special someone is actually right under your nose—or at least in it. Even though smell has long been promoted as our primary sexual sense, its influence extends to the very heart of our evolutionary journey.
  • 6 min read

Lubrication is a fact of life- it is the fluidity of a conversation that goes late into the night and the moisture that transforms the friction of skin to skin contact into a glide. I have spent much of my adult life thinking about lubricants, specifically sexual lubricants –and how to make them better. When I first began studying lubes, it was personal, I was searching for something that didn’t create so many negative side effects.“There may be nothing more joyful, more intimate than the wonder of two bodies discovering the wonder of gliding smoothly together.”  Wendy Strgar

Female lubrication is a fact of life- it is the grease that keeps the crank turning, the fluidity of a conversation that goes late into the night, the moisture that transforms the friction of skin to skin contact into a glide. I have spent much of my...

  • 6 min read
The kind of bacteria found in probiotics has the potential to aid in a wide range of conditions including digestive disorders, allergic disorders and the common cold. But did you know they can also aid or prevent vaginal conditions like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and HPV?
  • 6 min read
Reflect on a moment when a friend or loved one enveloped you in heartfelt appreciation, instilling in you a profound sense of value and cherishment. This warm glow of gratitude is not just uplifting—it is transformative. It invites us to pause and celebrate the people, moments, and experiences that add depth and richness to our lives. Such reflection reveals the delicate balance between vulnerability and confidence in our relationships. By embracing our vulnerabilities as strengths, we unlock deeper connections and foster personal growth.
  • 6 min read
Many of us occasionally find ourselves asking, "why can't I accept love?" This heartfelt question echoes through the corridors of our minds, a gentle yet persistent voice seeking clarity and understanding in the shadows of our self-doubt. Accepting love involves more than just opening the door; it's about fully embracing it, letting it permeate every aspect of our existence, settling comfortably within us like a beloved guest who's come to stay.
  • 5 min read
The vagina is a very sensitive part of the body, so it’s crucial to know how to best care for it. One of the most common concerns women have regarding their vagina is keeping it clean and taming any vaginal odor. In fact, 65% of women have felt insecure about their vaginal scents. 
  • 6 min read
Perhaps the most transformative experience we can offer to our relationships is in the gift of deep listening. This is often confused with the surface listening most of us are trained to do, where we focus our attention on the words being said and prepare ourselves while someone else is speaking with our response. Listening in this way makes a couple of big presumptions: that we are able to say what we mean with our chosen words and that the other person can get our meaning through those words. This often leads to miscommunications where it is easy to jump to conclusions or veer the conversation into an entirely different trajectory than was intended. 
  • 5 min read
They say kissing is the building block of romantic intimacy, but many of us have never thought seriously about the basics of a good kiss. In part, this is because kissing – just like love – seems as if it should be more gut instinct and in-the-moment than something we practice with a checklist. But a better way to think about kissing is to compare it to a meaningful conversation. A kiss with your partner communicates in ways that words can’t. And we can always use more tips on how to communicate better!
  • 5 min read
Bacterial vaginosis, more commonly referred to as “BV,” is the most common infection in women ages 15 to 44. According to the CDC, it is a change in the normal bacteria of the vagina, and these changes can have a significant impact on a woman’s reproductive health.
  • 3 min read
In the ever-evolving landscape of women's health, the focus often centers on quick-fix solutions for issues like vaginitis and menstrual cramps. These conventional methods, involving antibiotics or antifungals, target the symptoms rather than the root causes, frequently leading to a cycle of imbalance. This is where the profound significance of understanding the underlying factors—particularly the influence of the gut on vaginal health—becomes clear.
  • 2 min read
In the realm of women’s health, there’s a hidden hero that often goes unnoticed – the vaginal microbiome. Welcome to the world of Bio-Match® Technology, where science meets innovation to revolutionize women's vaginal and sexual health. At Good Clean Love and Vaginal Biome Science, we're on a mission to unveil the mysteries of the vaginal microbiome and its pivotal role in women’s vulvo-vaginal health. Through decades of research, we’ve discovered that nurturing the vaginal microbiome composition can address recurrent and chronic conditions that women face, paving the way for effective Bio-Match solutions.
  • 6 min read

The purpose of BIPOC Mental Health Awareness month is to highlight disparities among the communities that havefaced discrimination, injustice and systemic inequalities - all which have profound effects on mental health. Stigma around mental health still exists in many communities, often leading people not to seek professional help.Within BIPOC communities specifically, cultural factors and historical trauma can further complicate discussions around mental health. Breaking these stigmas requires open dialogue, cultural sensitivities, and ongoing community support.

  • 6 min read