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Good Clean Love


How to Stay Fresh Down There All Day

Life is hectic enough without worrying about feeling fresh down there. But staying fresh isn’t just about applying a scented product and moving on with your day—especially when it comes to feminine hygiene. The truth is, the vulva and vagina require a more thoughtful approach to care. Using perfumes or heavily scented feminine hygiene products can actually disrupt your body’s natural balance, causing more harm than good.

Your vagina is designed to take care of itself—it’s self-cleaning. However, maintaining a healthy daily feminine care routine is still important to help support your body’s natural processes. From choosing the right unscented feminine wash to wearing breathable cotton underwear, there are simple steps you can take to stay fresh while keeping your vaginal health in check. Below, we’ll share some vaginal hygiene tips and safe intimate care products to help you feel your best all day long.

Vaginal Hygiene 101

It’s common to refer to the entire intimate area as “the vagina,” but anatomically speaking, that’s not quite accurate. The outer part is actually called the vulva, which includes the clitoris, clitoral hood, and labia, while the vagina refers to the internal passage. Understanding this distinction is the first step toward caring for your body in a way that respects its natural design.

When it comes to vaginal hygiene, less is often more. The vagina is a marvel of self-maintenance, naturally cleaning itself without the need for external intervention. Supporting your overall health with a balanced diet, plenty of water, and regular exercise will do wonders for your body’s natural equilibrium. In fact, there’s no need to introduce water or cleaning products inside the vagina—doing so can disrupt its delicate balance.

How to Clean Your Vulva

When it comes to intimate hygiene, it’s important to distinguish between the inner vaginal canal and the outer vulva. The vaginal canal is a self-cleaning marvel—its pH balance and naturally occurring bacteria work in harmony to maintain a healthy ecosystem. With a slightly acidic pH of 3.8 to 4.5, the vagina is designed to stay clean on its own, so any attempts to clean inside can disrupt this delicate balance. The best care for the inner vagina? Simply leave it alone.

As for the vulva, a minimal yet mindful approach is all you need. Gently wash the folds of your labia with warm water, paying special attention to the clitoral area, including the clitoral hood. Use a pH balancing feminine wash and avoid products with perfumes or harsh ingredients, as these can disrupt the natural pH of both the vagina and vulva, leading to irritation.

A few additional tips for keeping your vulva fresh and healthy include regularly changing pads or tampons during your period, opting for breathable cotton underwear, and avoiding tight, wet, or sweaty clothing for extended periods. These simple habits help maintain your body’s natural balance and keep you feeling comfortable all day.

How to Stop Vaginal Odor

If you’ve ever been curious about how to manage vaginal odor, you’re not alone. But let’s start with a reminder: it’s entirely natural for your vagina to have its own unique scent. The truth is, the vagina is home to a delicate ecosystem—the vaginal microbiome—that’s constantly working to keep you healthy. Much like the balance of bacteria in your gut, this microbiome plays a vital role in maintaining the overall well-being of your intimate areas.

The natural odors your body produces are a reflection of this balance. They shift and change throughout the day, influenced by everything from your hormones to your physical activity. A light scent after a workout or during your menstrual cycle is completely normal. And let’s be clear—vaginas aren’t meant to smell like flowers, despite what the marketing of scented feminine products might suggest.

Your body’s natural rhythms are something to embrace, not conceal. By tuning into the subtle changes, you can start to recognize what’s healthy for you. However, if you notice a significant shift—like a strong, fishy odor, unusual discharge, or discomfort—it could be a sign that your vaginal microbiome has been disrupted. Conditions like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections can upset this balance, and it’s important to seek advice from a healthcare provider when needed.

Possible Reasons You Might Not Feel Fresh Down There

By now, we know that most natural vaginal odors are just that—natural. However, there are moments when you might feel less than fresh, and it’s important to understand the reasons why. From your body’s hormonal shifts to lifestyle habits, several factors can influence how you feel down there.


The hormonal changes and bleeding that come with your period can sometimes create a subtle metallic scent. This is entirely normal, as the pH balance of the vagina shifts during menstruation. The scent typically fades a day or two after your period ends.

Working Out

After an intense workout, it’s not uncommon to notice a musky or sweaty odor. This is just your body’s natural response to physical activity. Changing into fresh clothes and hopping in the shower usually restores that clean, fresh feeling.

Certain Foods

What you eat can sometimes affect how you smell. Foods like garlic, onions, or asparagus may temporarily alter your scent down there. Fortunately, this effect usually disappears within a few hours as your body processes these foods.


If you notice a yeasty, fishy, or generally unpleasant odor, it could signal a vaginal imbalance or infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. In these cases, it’s best to reach out to your healthcare provider to ensure everything is in balance.

Common Vaginal Infections That Lead You to Not Feeling Fresh

Several common vaginal infections can throw off your body’s natural balance, leading to noticeable changes in odor and overall freshness. Here are some infections to be aware of:

  • Yeast Infections: Often accompanied by a thick, white discharge and a yeasty odor, yeast infections occur when there’s an overgrowth of Candida in the vaginal area.
  • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): This infection is caused by an imbalance in the vaginal bacteria, resulting in a fishy odor and a thin, grayish discharge.
  • Trichomoniasis: A sexually transmitted infection that can cause a foul-smelling, frothy discharge, along with itching and discomfort.

If you notice an unusual odor or discomfort, it’s worth consulting a healthcare provider. With the right treatment, you can quickly restore your body’s natural balance and return to feeling fresh and confident.

How to Keep Your Vagina Clean and Fresh

When it comes to keeping your vagina clean, the most important rule is this: never douche. While douching may be marketed as a way to “cleanse” your vagina, it actually disrupts the delicate balance of your vaginal microbiome. The vagina is designed to clean itself, and douching can interfere with this natural process, leading to irritation, infections, and even an increased risk of developing bacterial vaginosis. Respect your body’s natural ability to maintain its own health and let your vagina do the work it was designed to do.

For the vulva, a gentler approach is all that’s needed. A simple rinse with warm water is often enough to keep the area clean. If you prefer a bit more, opt for a mild, unscented feminine wash that is pH-balanced to respect your skin’s natural chemistry. Consistent habits such as changing pads or tampons regularly, showering daily, and choosing cotton underwear all contribute to keeping you fresh and comfortable.

For added support, particularly when dealing with dryness or looking for an on-the-go refresh, consider Good Clean Love’s thoughtfully formulated products. Our Restore Moisturizing Vaginal Gel helps maintain internal pH and hydration, while the Balance Moisturizing Personal Wash offers gentle vulvar care. For freshness wherever you are, the Rebalance pH-Balanced Wipes provide a convenient, pH-conscious solution to keep you feeling clean and confident all day.