“To reach heights, one must stop to help others.” -Carolyn Chambers
Our community of Eugene, Oregon lost one of its pioneering leaders on Saturday. For close to eight decades, Carolyn Chambers lead the way in television, film production, real estate and countless community development projects. She spent her life fully invested and, I am proud to say, that Good Clean Love saw her light shine in our direction, as well. She was one of the 33 people who invested locally in our success.
Even before the Willamette Angel Conference, I had known about the vast expanse of influence and respect she held in the community. I sometimes daydreamed about calling her for advice and imagining that she would have shared some of her remarkable stories of success to inspire me. I imagine she would have extended her hand and said, “ I am happy to have helped. “
In turn, I would have wanted to tell her how much her boldness, courage and vision inspired me in my own success. I would have wanted to thank her for providing a model of what kindness can do in a society. She was a builder and she used her energy and resources to make the world better for a whole community of people. I wish I had been her friend.
I am grateful to stand in her shadow, knowing a small spark of her light and attention had been intentionally sent towards my efforts to spread love. Women leaders teach all of us behind them how to lead. Those who knew her well say that she lived by the quote above every day. That is the most loving praise you can heap on someone, that they lived their lives in service to helping others.
Thank you Carolyn Chambers.