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This Week’s Recommended Reads, Vol. 5

We get it. The work week is a busy time, full of meetings, reports to write, kids to pick up and dinners to make. Sometimes casual reading doesn’t exactly make it to the to-do list. So, in case you missed what’s going on around the world (online that is) check out our newest feature, Weekly Recommended Reads. Featuring the finest articles on love, sex, relationships and related topics, as well as what you missed on the blog, cozy up this weekend, because do we have some reads for you!

In The News:

Short weeks are always nice aren’t they? We think so, too, which is why we started off the week with some Tantric sex tips for you all on the long weekend! Meanwhile, Wendy discusses female viagra in her new column in Eco Salon and Metro UK shares shocking facts about the male orgasm. More, here!

  1. Marie Claire: On Labor Day, we share Marie Claire’s tips and tricks about how to have the most amazingly connected sex ever, thanks to 5000-year-old Tantra. Hey, it’s pretty old and people are still talking about it. (7 Sept. 2015).
  2. Mic: This video went viral for good reason. What’s better than old people but old people in love, proving that long-lasting, true love is still possible. (8 Sept. 2015).
  3. EcoSalon: Our very own founder premieres her column on EcoSalon, this week, talking about the so-called Female Viagra. Does it work? Read and see. (9 Sept. 2015).
  4. Women’s Health: Sure, we love spending time together, but sometimes we spend more time apart than we’d like. Here’s how to maximize it for full relationship potential.
  5. Metro UK: Everyone loves the female orgasm, but what about the orgasm in your man’s life? Metro UK shares these awesome facts with us!

On The Blog:

This month, Wendy tackles the important issues we’re all talking about (like climate change, poverty and income inequality) by talking about how our relationships affect them. This week, we take a quick break from that to memorialize the passing of Candida Royalle, a true revolutionary.

Cleaning Up The Ocean: Wendy honors the passing of Candida Royalle in a warm, loving tribute about the paths she paved in the pornography industry.
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