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Healthcare Providers


Personal Lubricants

Fertility-Friendly Lubricant


Why I Make Good Lube

“There may be nothing more joyful, more intimate, than the wonder of two bodies discovering the joy of gliding smoothly together,” Wendy Strgar.

Lubrication is a fact of life- it is the fluidity of a conversation that goes late into the night and the moisture that transforms the friction of skin to skin contact into a glide. I have spent much of my adult life thinking about lubricants, specifically sexual lubricants –and how to make them better. When I first began studying lubes, it was personal, I was searching for something that didn’t create so many negative side effects. The itching and burning from using them not only killed the mood but was threatening my desire to have a sex life. Now, all these years later, I know that the difference a good lube can make is not limited to how it feels when you use it, but can also have a serious impact on your sexual health long after the sexy part is over.

The Benefits of Using Natural Lubricants

It is common to feel that wanting or needing lube is an admission of not being sufficiently turned on, but this couldn't be further from the truth. There are numerous factors that can inhibit our body's ability to self-lubricate, such as the stress of being in a new or unfamiliar situation with a sexual partner, or drinking too much before you have sex, as well as a variety of prescription medicines from anti-depressants to antihistamines that dry up vaginal tissue. Not to mention the myriad of other life circumstances like pregnancy, nursing babies, peri and post menopause among others. The point is that vaginal dryness is normal and happens with almost the same frequency as natural vaginal moisture.

The truth is that having sex without sufficient natural lubrication is guaranteed to end in painful sex. And it only takes a few episodes of non-lubricated, intercourse for the body’s internal messaging about sexual arousal to shut down too. Before long it becomes impossible to tease out what started where. Vaginal dryness is one of the most common forms of sexual dysfunction that impacts millions of women of all ages. Using a good, healthy lubricant is one of the simplest ways to prevent and help eliminate the discomfort that follows.

What Makes a Good Lube?

The right kind of lubricant made with healthy ingredients which work with and support the fragile vaginal ecosystem is key. The truth is that it is better to use no lubricant than using one that is incompatible with the most sensitive tissue in the body. Most petrochemical-based lubes are hyperosmolar which means that the molecular weight of the product ingredients is so much heavier than the human cell tissue that only one single use will increase your risk of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) by up to 13 times. For years I believed that my burning and itching reaction to most lubricants was an allergic one. Now we know that with or without experiencing the negative side effects, these hyperosmolar lubricants throw the entire vaginal ecosystem out of balance, causing BV. Which is both the most common genital infection and the least diagnosed, further compromising our sexual health. Two in five women have BV and when it goes undiagnosed, are 60% more susceptible to both more serious STDs and HIV as well as 3x more likely to transmit these diseases.

So, a good lubricant does more than just enhance our sexual times, when they are made to work with the body, they are called isotonic which means they don’t add or subtract any fluids from the fragile vaginal lining. This helps the body to maintain the healthy vaginal ecosystem that keeps pH levels low which supports the healthy lactobacilli to do their job of fighting bad bacteria.

After all my years of formulating and learning I know this: a good lubricant must support the challenges that women face of maintaining a healthy vaginal ecosystem not just for sexual moments, but all the days in between. Adding high-quality lube to your routine not only extends the duration of your sexual encounters but also provides peace of mind by supporting the health of your vagina.

Key Ingredients of a Great Lube

Organic Aloe Leaf Juice: Nature's Soothing Embrace

The unique formulation of aloe leaf juice creates a lubricant that perfectly mimics natural feminine moisture. Renowned for its healing, soothing, and moisturizing properties, aloe leaf juice works harmoniously with your body, providing gentle hydration and comfort. It helps maintain the delicate balance of your vaginal flora, ensuring that sensitive tissues are nourished and protected. Unlike harsh chemicals, aloe leaf juice supports your body’s natural functions, making it an ideal base for a high-quality lubricant. Its soothing properties help prevent irritation and promote overall vaginal health, creating a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Isotonic Properties: Balanced for Your Body

An isotonic formulation is crucial for maintaining vaginal health. This means it’s carefully balanced to match the natural osmolarity of your body’s fluids. Why is this important? An isotonic lubricant prevents the stripping away of natural moisture and protects sensitive tissues from damage. It supports the body’s natural pH levels, ensuring that your vaginal health is maintained and even enhanced during use. By mimicking the body's natural fluids, an isotonic lube ensures comfort and safety, making intimate moments more pleasurable.


Dimethicone is a type of inert and non-toxic silicone that significantly enhances lubrication by providing a silky, smooth feel. This ingredient is widely used in personal lubricants for its ability to retain moisture and reduce friction, ensuring a more comfortable and pleasurable experience.

Deemed safe for human use by both the FDA and the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel, dimethicone is a reliable and trusted ingredient in many intimate care products. One of its key benefits is that silicones, including dimethicone, are not absorbed by the human body. This means they remain on the surface, providing continuous lubrication without penetrating the skin. Moreover, they are safe to be consumed in small quantities, making them ideal for intimate applications.

Water-Based: Simple and Effective

Water-based lubricants are often preferred for their simplicity and ease of use. Their water-based nature ensures that they are easy to clean up, leaving no sticky residue behind. This makes them a convenient choice for those who value both comfort and practicality in their intimate products.

Free from Harsh Chemicals: Pure and Gentle

Always opt for a lube that is free from harsh chemicals, parabens, and glycerin. This focus on natural, gentle ingredients means you can use it with confidence, knowing it won’t cause irritation or allergic reactions. The commitment to purity ensures that you’re not introducing harmful substances into your body, allowing you to focus on pleasure and comfort.

A great lube that encompasses all of these high-quality properties is the Almost Naked Organic Lubricant. Recommended by doctors, this lubricant combines the soothing benefits of organic aloe leaf juice, the balanced formulation of isotonic properties, the simplicity of a water-based solution, and the purity of being free from harsh chemicals.

Our Hero Ingredient: Hyaluronic Acid

Making great lubes is a work of continuous improvement, especially since the important work of science has come to guide all our product formulating. When I first learned about the power of hyaluronic acid to hold 1000 times its weight in water, not to mention the numerous medical applications I knew that this was an ingredient that would be a game changer for so many of our customers.

Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body and has been celebrated for years in the skin care industry for its hydrating properties. It helps retain moisture by binding with the water in our skin to help our tissues remain supple, moisturized, and healthy. We have used them previously in our BioMatched vaginal moisturizer, so it was a must add for our new premium personal lubricants. We call them ultra-moisturizing because hyaluronic acid not only nourishes sensitive tissue with lasting moisture, but also delivers a rich, luxurious, and long-lasting glide.

The beauty and skin care industry has elevated this ingredient’s stature as it rejuvenates the skin’s natural elasticity and provides long lasting hydration. Hyaluronic acid is widely found in a myriad of serums, gels, lotions, and creams, but rarely in the personal lubricant category. And yet, the most sensitive tissue of your vulva and vagina suffers many of the same symptoms of dryness and decreasing elasticity. Which is what makes hyaluronic acid our new hero ingredient.

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms associated with painful sex. And not just for women who are aging. We have heard from as many young women as older women about how their lagging lubrication impacts not only their sexual desire and ability to have pleasure but often how they feel day to day. Persistent and recurrent vaginal discomfort – whether itch, irritation, or pain – impacts how we feel about ourselves and can prevent us from living the life we want.

Whether the experience of dryness is primarily a need around your sexual life, or a regular daily irritation, there is a solution. Our ultra-moisturizing personal lubricants with hyaluronic acid deliver long lasting glide, no irritation, and more time for pleasure while providing the soothing and hydrating benefits that the most sensitive tissue in your body deserves. It is in fact our customer reviews that keep me going, studying, and working to find more real solutions that change women’s lives, that bring back pleasure to intimacy, and that restore women’s self-confidence.