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1720 results
Remaining Friends In Love
by Anastasia Strgar
We’ve all heard that it’s best to be friends before you start dating someone. And don’t we all wish that we could live out the fantasy that, years later we’d run into our childhood best friend, realize that we’re meant to be and think “Wow, I’m so happy that I’m in love with my best friend” or know someone for years and always secretly have a crush on them and then suddenly one...
Fall in Love Again
by Anastasia Strgar
Falling in love is so great, isn’t it? You can’t see the other person’s faults and you are merely open and engaged in their best qualities. They are funny, charming, honest, respectful and truly interested in getting to know you… You want to be a better person for them because they’re so awesome.
Unfortunately, it can’t stay this way forever. Eventually, the veil gets torn...
A Sunday Kind of Love
by Jennie Gill Rosier
We’ve all been able to relate to Etta James in her song “Sunday Kind of Love” at some point in our lives. I’m sure that you’ve all felt felt like you “can’t seem to find someone to care” or like you’ve been on the “lonely road that leads to nowhere.” You’ve probably also felt like your search for that special someone was all-consuming at times, where you did your “Sunday...
December’s Sustainable Love Movie
“What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That’s a pretty good idea. I’ll give you the moon, Mary.” -George Bailey
I just recently viewed December’s Sustainable Love Movie of the Month and from the first time to the thousandth time I still hold it in a special place in my heart. Frank Capra’s “It’s A...
Love in the Time of Facebook
by Anastasia Strgar
“Change is a funny thing. We’re never quite sure of what we’re becoming or why. Then one day, we look at ourselves and wonder who we are and how we got there.” -Unknown
The nature of the current day relationship has changed. Infused with increasing technology invented to build and sustain relationships such as social media and online dating, along with the tragic endings of...
Disguises of Love Costume Contest
This year, Good Clean Love would like to announce their first annual “Disguises of Love” Costume Contest! This Halloween, send us your photos of you or you and your sweetheart in your most creative costume. The winner will receive a 4oz bottle of Indian Spice love oil to keep those nights spicy and warm all winter long. Send your photos to by November 7th and we’ll announce...
The Good Clean Love Story
Good Clean Love promotes sustainable, healthy intimacy and relationships by providing up-to-date information on the intimacy product market. Good Clean Love prides itself on creating the finest, healthiest intimacy products on the market.
Finding Love Begins Early
I am confused. A lot of my peers say that you should stay single in your twenties but yet they are all preoccupied with finding “the one . How can you tell if the love relationship you are in is the one that is meant for you? Are there signs to look for? What should I keep in mind as I move through different relationships? It seems like things have changed so much but also still are the same in...
9/11: Where is the Love?
“People killin’, people dyin’
Children hurt and you hear them cryin’
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek…”
-Black Eyed Peas “Where is the Love?” (2003)
My most vivid memories of 9/11 were of the phone calls in the tragic last moments of people’s lives. Their final acts were all directed in desperation to communicate the love they felt for their partners, their...
About the Making Love Sustainable Podcast
As a writer, speaker, and educator, Wendy Strgar’s focus on the Making Love Sustainable podcast is a green philosophy of relationships which teaches the importance of valuing the renewable resources of love and family. She has learned that physical intimacy is an essential component of sustaining healthy loving relationships through her own marriage of over 24 years. Wendy is a talented...
Four Ways to Increase the Love
I have been married for a few years and I increasingly feel a distance between me and my husband. I grew up with divorced parents and really don’t want my marriage to end like that but I have no idea what to do to improve things. I don’t want to lose him, but every time I try to talk to him about my feelings, he tells me things like I am overreacting and there is nothing wrong. Do you have any...
The Joy of Playing in Love
by Anastasia Strgar
Okay, so I’ll just admit that recently I’ve started experimenting with fantasy when I make love. And I’ve discovered that I get amazing results. While I’m still pretty new at this and they haven’t really morphed out of setting me and my partner into different exotic scenarios, I find I feel sexier when I imagine us making love on a tropical beach or in a castle tower than...
Welcome to the New Making Love Sustainable!
You’ve probably noticed that Making Love Sustainable has been going through some new and exciting changes. We’re so thrilled to re-launch this site with new features that we know you will love. As the renovations progress, look forward to seeing:
New blog features and a modern new layout
A new theme each month: This May we’re talking all about… Masturbation!
Increased searchability and...
August 2021: Celebrating Love Agents
We are celebrating the “Love Agents” in our lives, in all the ways they show up for us. The truth is that love is all around us, but we often don’t see it – until someone does something unexpectedly kind and mirrors back to us our own loving nature. And it’s the stories of these people that show us the meaning of love by the courageous ways they live.
January’s Sustainable Love Movie of the Month
“She glanced this way, I thought I saw… And when we touched, she didn’t shudder at my paw. No, it can’t be; I’ll just ignore… But then, she’s never looked at me that way before…” –The Beast
Every member of the family can view January’s Sustainable Love Movie of the Month. Walt Disney’s Beauty and The Beast (1991) is considered a classic animated film and received rave reviews from many a critic....
Have You Really Fallen Out of Love?
by Carl Frankel
Love: the word means different things to different people—and different things to the same person at different times.
What’s in a word? Here are some meanings of “love:”
Erotic love. We all know what this one means. It’s what we mean when we say we’re “in love.” It’s “I want to have your babies”–or sometimes just “I want to have your body.” It also tends to burn out over time.
Netflix’s "Easy": A Good Clean Love Take
It seems like every time I turn around this week, I have been hearing the word “easy”... from my phone which continues to light up with texts from old friends I haven’t heard from in years... “LOL, saw you on Easy...”, to the shipping guy at UPS, who suddenly recognizes our name on the boxes (“No way, I just saw this good clean lube ... on Easy, right?”)
Becoming a Curator: Good Clean Love and Blissmo
by Wendy Strgar
“I think art’s biggest potential is in its ability to produce ideas beyond the ideas contained within it, or the intended ideas, etc. A good curator can harness and direct those types of discursive potentials.” -Matt Sheridan Smith
I have never been asked to be a curator before, but I like the idea that one who curates actually does the work of making a greater meaning out of...
What My Father Taught Me About Love
My father has always been a quiet, introspective man. Though he says little, the things he says say a lot. His presence around the words he chooses to speak say even more.
But my father is a lot more than just quiet and introspective. He’s generous. He’s kind. He’s hardworking and he’s curious about the world. Ever a reader, my father, for as long as I can remember, spends his evenings after...
6 Ways Fall Romance Beats Summer Love
While every season brings a certain loveliness for the home, gatherings, and the birds and bees, we’d like to give a pleasant welcome to the Fall romance that comes with the Autumn season and that extra something it adds to love in the air.
As Fall, a proclaimed favorite season, starts appearing on social media timelines, or makes its way to the center of small talk conversations about brisker...
How to Accept and Receive Love in 5 Steps
Many of us occasionally find ourselves asking, "why can't I accept love?" This heartfelt question echoes through the corridors of our minds, a gentle yet persistent voice seeking clarity and understanding in the shadows of our self-doubt. Accepting love involves more than just opening the door; it's about fully embracing it, letting it permeate every aspect of our existence, settling comfortably within us like a beloved guest who's come to stay.
Dr. Romance’s Guidelines for Relating With Love
It’s not always easy to be in a relationship, no matter how old you are. Conflicts are impossible to avoid, but if you have the right tools, you can avoid conflicts from becoming destructive. Below is a list of tips from our very own Dr. Romance about cultivating the healthiest relationship possible.
1. It’s not about who’s right or wrong it’s about solving the problem together. If you try to win...
Love Agent: Best of Love Shared
I didn’t realize when we first envisioned the Love Agent movement that we were actually creating an ongoing mechanism for relational breakthroughs until recently when it has became clear how challenging it is for our hundreds of love agents to go from being registered to engaged. I naively thought that our little love missions would become a simple self fulfilling prophecy as people experienced...
When Did the Word “Love” Become Real to You?
Our very first eye-opening experiences of love stay with us forever – whether they are with romantic partners, best friends, our children, or even companions of the four-legged variety. This week, we asked our community: When did the word “love” become real to you?
Welcoming the Sustainable Love Movie of the Month!
“I’ve made the most important discovery of my life. It’s only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found. I’m only here tonight because of you. You are the only reason I am… you are all my reasons.” -John Nash
Good Clean Love has a little surprise for you all. Starting this month, we will feature a Sustainable Love Movie of the Month every month.
As I started my...
Is it Sex for Love, or Love for Sex?
One of the most significant gaps between genders when it comes to love and sex is the truism that male energy opens to love through sexual connection and female energy is more apt to need love to ignite its sexuality. I remember well a conversation I had with another mother at the playground years...
Recharge your Love Life – Make a Date for Sex
By Dr Tammy Nelson
Many couples have trouble finding the energy to keep up an exciting sex life. Stress, exhaustion, kids, boredom – they can all lead to lack of enthusiasm in the bedroom. One way to recharge your love life is to make a date for sex. Carve out a time for sex in your schedule and put it on your calendar. Make it the same day or night every week. Does that sound spontaneous? Not...
10 Ways to Put More Love Out Into the World
Life feels better when we notice the love that is all around us. When times are tough, love is one of those things that keep us going. These recent times have been difficult and stressful for all of us as a collective as we continue to live through the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s safe to say that love is needed now more than ever in our world.
Introducing the “Love the Way You Love” Series
This year, we invite you to join us in a new series dedicated to all the ways we show up for love – from the traditional or unconventional to the quirky and sometimes messy moments.
2022 Good Clean Love Holiday Gift Guide
It's that time of year again where many of us choose to honor the holidays and the people we love by giving gifts. The Good Clean Love® team is excited to share with you some of our favorite brands and gift ideas for 2022.
2023 Good Clean Love Holiday Gift Guide
Gift recommendations for your loved ones this holiday season (and some for you, too!)
Hot Off The Presses: Good Clean Love In The News
June’s been a good month for press for Good Clean Love! Both Cosmopolitan and highlighted how great it is that sexual health is becoming a family business and more importantly, a conversation that is perfectly okay to have among family members. Didn’t catch it? Check these out:
First up, Founder Wendy Strgar’s daughter talks to Cosmopolitan about what it was like growing up in this very...
Abiding in Intimacy: Making Love Sustainable talks with a Dudeist
After we posted “Relaxing: The ‘Big Lebowski’ Approach,” we got an email from a man named Gary Silvia. He introduced himself as a Reverend in the Church of the Latter-Day Dude, and said he thought Making Love Sustainable readers might be interested in knowing more about Dudeism and its relaxed approach to living.
We agreed, and we emailed Reverend Silvia some questions asking more about Dudeism...
So, You Bought a Bottle of Love Oil... Now What?
Now what?
You may be asking yourself, How do I use such a thing? In fact, there are many uses for Love Oil, the first product created at Good Clean Love. Our founder, Wendy Strgar, claims that it was a “love oil” that got her on the path of starting the company because it saved her relationship. After she ran out, she tried to find another one and just couldn’t! So, if your sex life needs a bit of...
Midwest Love
Just home from the Green Festival in Chicago. A remarkable first time event with an attendance of over 30000 people. I haven’t been back in the Midwest in over 10 years and was happily reminded of the deep civility and down to earth polite manners that dominates the city. Bringing all natural love products and teaching about sustainable love relationships reminded me again of the other part of...
On Trend: Your Siblings Affect Your Love Life
How many siblings did you have? Three, like me? Less? Were you an only child?
According to a new studyout of Penn State, having opposite sex siblings affected your confidence in attracting and interacting with the opposite sex. The researchers think that this has to do with being provided plenty of opportunities to resolve conflicts, have discussions and witness varying perspectives about things....
Sustainable Love
Recently, after I reviewed another book on greening the fashion world, the publisher sent me a note saying that she had seen my site and was going send me another new book she thought I would be interested in: Sex Secrets of Porn Stars.
I wondered if she had actually read anything on my site.
After years of attending the big Vegas “Sex Shows,” it had become increasingly clear that my corporate...
Love Demonstrations
This weekend we began our sustainable love tour… Our Good Clean Love products are launching throughout the Northwest and Northern California Whole Foods stores and we intend to visit every one of them. It is exciting to be included in such a respectable and highly valued business model and I feel grateful to be trusted to bring a healthy and sustainable slant on intimacy and sexuality to their...
Love Needs Nurturing: Q&A with Psychotherapist Rachel Wright
Psychotherapist Rachel Wright (she/her) is recognized as one of the freshest voices on modern relationships and sex. She is an experienced speaker, group facilitator, educator, therapist, coach, and on-camera mental health and relationship expert.