“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead
Of all the sciences, the one that is most compelling to me is Quantum Physics. A year ago I went to this remarkable Science and Non-Duality conference, where leading PhD quantum physicists convened with spiritual teachers, confirming the scientific theories, which support the ancient teachings that we are indeed all one. Accepting and understanding how we are all connected in this vast, ever expanding universe of benign energy is the context which makes the idea of a love centered revolution possible. A movement of Love Agents creating a stream of intentional loving acts will subtly, yet definitively shift the collective consciousness to the truth of our interconnectedness. And the idea that a relatively small group of people can become a catalyst for change and impact the larger whole has been proven time and again. Arguably, in the name of love, there may not be a more opportune moment to intervene than right now.
My husband often tries to hide the newspaper from me because I am known to sometimes fall into despair over just the first page. Yet one story that was tucked into the 15th page of last Sunday’s New York Times continues to stay with me. I continue to grapple with the stories of Muafia and Mehreen, two teenaged Pakistani girls who dared to love someone of their own choosing and were killed in cold blood by the people who were supposed to have loved them most in the world- their parents. Both families lied to their daughters, luring them home with promises of forgiveness and acceptance in order to murder them. I try to imagine the kind of courage and passion that took hold in these girls that empowered them to resist and assert themselves in their culture where a parent’s “honor” is more valuable than a girl’s life, let alone her heart. These are just a couple of names that were reported- thousands more girls are murdered every year for the crime of waking up to their own potential for love, for the courageous self determination that love inspires in us. The cultural values are so deeply entrenched that local authorities will not prosecute the murderers or even protect these young women.
It is hard for any of us in the Western world to imagine the risk of love at such high cost. Yet, we all carry some version of Romeo and Juliet in our hearts- the simultaneous longing and fear for a love that will claim our souls and act as a compass in guiding our lives. Culturally, we long for a true love, but don’t really believe in it. Our fear of love is subliminal. Having witnessed so many failed attempts at loving relationships, and maybe having been hurt by a few ourselves, many of us, guided by new cultural norms are willing to settle for a one night variety, where we freely offer our bodies but never release our hearts.
Sometimes, when I think about the world, especially when it comes to love and intimacy, I am dumbfounded that all of these experiences are happening simultaneously. How is it that we here in the West can be seemingly so free to love, while at the same moment, a woman on the other side of the world is being killed for having even a glimpse of the same experience? How are these realities connected? Is our unwillingness to choose love some mirrored reflection of the millions of women who have no choice? Could expanding our capacity for love impact their freedoms to choose love?
Although I may never know the answer to these questions, I do know this: that forming a group of a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand Love Agents who are setting the intention in their own lives to expand love, and are out on the street performing loving acts will make ripples, huge ripples, into this energy field called life and it can only help.
The official Love Agent headquarters launches on Monday July 7th and if you join with three friends this weekend, you will all begin with a 25 point Bonus Badge for Building the Love movement. We need you.