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Emotional Intelligence with Harvey Deutschendorf

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, articulate and work with your emotional life and that of others. A century ago, Darwin associated these skills with human survival and ability to adapt. Don’t miss this conversation with Harvey Deutschendorf, author of THE OTHER KIND OF SMART

Learn how our capacity for emotional intelligence can expand as well as how crucial it it to any lasting success in life.


Harvey Deutschendorf is a business coach, speaker and author of  The Other Kind of Smart: Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Personal Effectiveness and Success. He is certified to administer the Bar-On EQI, the first scientifically valid test for emotional intelligence that has been approved by the American Psychological Association. Harvey has an extensive background in Career Development and Social Work.

Harvey is a member of the Mankind Project, a men’s organization dedicated to personal improvement and service to the community. His mission is to help people bring more power and joy into their lives. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta CANADA