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Everything You Need to Know About Breastfeeding and Postpartum Vaginal Dryness

Breastfeeding is the second chapter in the miraculous journey of pregnancy: not only does your body create new life, but it also provides nourishment for that precious life. However, for some new mothers, this beautiful experience can be accompanied by the discomfort of vaginal dryness, which may be itchy or even painful. This condition can be particularly severe for women who are exclusively breastfeeding (EBF). Thankfully, there are effective and affordable treatments available for EBF-related dryness, all with minimal side effects. Let’s delve into what EBF entails, why it can lead to dryness, and some potential treatments to manage vaginal dryness.

What is EBF?

EBF stands for “exclusively breastfeeding,” which generally means your baby doesn’t eat or drink anything except breast milk – no water, no formula.

Most experts agree that exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is an incredibly healthy choice for babies. Breast milk provides the perfect nutritional balance and is essential for building strong immune systems. It’s important to recognize that every parent’s situation is unique, and not all mothers can or choose to breastfeed. However, studies show that babies who are exclusively breastfed tend to have lower rates of fever, diarrhea, and acute respiratory infections, and are better protected against various illnesses.

Both the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend EBF for the first six months of a baby’s life, followed by a mix of breastfeeding and other foods. Earlier recommendations called for shorter periods of EBF, but more recent evidence shows that continuing EBF for the full six months can protect babies from gastrointestinal infections. Despite a few claims to the contrary, there does not seem to be any real benefit to introducing other foods before six months.

EBF and the New Mother

Only about half of American babies are exclusively breastfed for three months, and only about a quarter are EBF through six months. Why so few? Some new mothers may not know about the benefits of breastfeeding, while others do know but aren’t able to breastfeed for a variety of reasons. And let’s face it: Breastfeeding can be hard. It takes time and energy, two things a new mom seldom has enough of.

Furthermore, as simple and natural as breastfeeding is, it does mean some temporary changes in a mother’s body, especially in hormone levels. Although breastfeeding is perfectly safe in the long term, there can be uncomfortable side effects in the short term. In particular, many EBF mothers experience severe postpartum vaginal dryness, often for the first time in their lives.

Postpartum vaginal dryness is very common. In one study, 43% of women reported lack of vaginal lubrication six months after giving birth for the first time – and breastfeeding raised that number even higher. What is the connection?

The Link Between EBF and Vaginal Dryness

The story can get complicated, but let’s look at a simplified version. There are two key players: estrogen and prolactin. Estrogen is a hormone that maintains a comfortable level of moisture in your vagina; prolactin is a protein that gives you milk to feed your baby. The link? Estrogen counteracts prolactin. If your estrogen is high, your prolactin can also be high and you still won’t produce much milk. In fact, your body starts producing prolactin while you are still pregnant, but high estrogen levels prevent you from producing milk during that time. After you have your baby, your estrogen levels drop, the prolactin kicks in, and your milk starts flowing.

Unfortunately, the low estrogen levels can also make your vagina uncomfortably, even painfully dry. Whether this happens to you, and how serious it is, largely depends on your personal chemistry. For some, the dryness becomes so painful that it prevents them from doing the things they need to do. For others, the constant itching is a maddening distraction. Still, others feel fine overall but find that dryness interferes with intimacy, putting a strain on their relationship. And all of that is on top of the other changes that come with a new baby!

If you do have postpartum dryness, whether EBF-related or not, there’s good news and … good news. First, the condition isn’t permanent: Once you stop breastfeeding, your estrogen levels will gradually return to normal, and so will your moisture levels. The other good news is that there are simple steps you can take for vaginal dryness relief while you are exclusively breastfeeding, and they don’t cost a fortune or have serious side effects.

Treatments for Postpartum Vaginal Dryness

It's important to understand that experiencing vaginal dryness postpartum is common and normal. This condition doesn’t indicate that anything else is wrong with you. Finding a treatment that alleviates the dryness is a sign of success, so there's no need for additional concern. As you transition away from breastfeeding, your hormone levels will typically normalize, allowing you to adjust or stop your treatment accordingly.

What To Avoid

The first step to alleviating vaginal dryness is to ensure you aren’t inadvertently worsening the condition. Many products marketed for feminine health and hygiene can actually dry out the vagina, disrupt the delicate pH balance, and disturb the vaginal microbiome, which is crucial for maintaining moisture and protecting against infections.

  • Avoid douching, as it can alter your microbiome, increase the risk of various infections, and cause dryness and irritation.
  • Steer clear of artificial fragrances, including scented lotions and soaps, in your vaginal area.
  • Ensure any products you use are pH balanced and iso-osmotic, meaning they match a healthy vaginal acidity and salt balance to maintain optimal moisture and health.

Lubricants for Postpartum Dryness

Navigating intimacy after childbirth can be a delicate balance. While some new moms experience mild postpartum dryness, it's important to remember that reconnecting with your partner is a vital part of self-care. Experts often suggest waiting four to six weeks after delivery before resuming sexual activity. When you’re ready, embracing this aspect of your relationship can be a wonderful way to ensure everyone feels loved and supported.

Of course, some couples might find themselves too tired or stressed, and that's perfectly okay. What matters most is keeping the lines of communication open. Talk to each other about how you’re feeling and your desires as they evolve. Intimacy is not just about physical connection but also about emotional closeness and understanding.

If dryness is making sex uncomfortable, a vaginal lubricant can be a simple yet effective solution. Exploring new options can be an exciting part of your journey. Here are two excellent choices:

  • Almost Naked Personal Lubricant
    • Designed with your health and pleasure in mind
    • Features organic and soothing ingredients like aloe vera
    • Provides a smooth, natural feel while hydrating sensitive tissues
  • BioNude Personal Lubricant
    • Specially formulated for ultra-sensitive skin
    • Provides gentle hydration without any irritation
    • Ideal for those who need a more delicate touch

Vaginal Moisturizers

For many women, postpartum vaginal dryness is a persistent issue that affects them all the time, not just during sex. If you experience this, consider incorporating a vaginal moisturizer into your daily routine. Think of a vaginal moisturizer as the equivalent of hand lotion for your intimate areas—not a medication, but something to make the dry parts less dry and more comfortable.

Since your vagina is more sensitive than your hands, it's crucial to choose the right vaginal moisturizer. We recommend using BioNourish Gel, a moisturizer specifically formulated to match the natural pH and salt balance of the vagina. BioNourish is designed to be gentle yet effective, providing long-lasting hydration and comfort for postpartum vaginal dryness. By using a product that aligns with your body’s natural chemistry, you can ensure better moisture retention and overall vaginal health.

Hormone Therapy for Postpartum Dryness

If a moisturizer isn’t enough to solve your vaginal dryness, talk to your health care provider about prescription estrogen. This might come in either a cream or a capsule that you use like a suppository; whatever form it takes, it will be something that you apply directly to the vagina, not something you take orally. Estrogen is not available over the counter, so you will need a prescription.

Hormone therapy for postpartum dryness can be very effective, and even women who are breastfeeding should see quick relief with no significant side effects. After you stop breastfeeding and your own hormone levels return to normal, you can stop using your estrogen cream.

Estrogen Cream and Your Milk Supply

Some women worry that using estrogen for postpartum vaginal dryness will affect their milk supply and they won’t have enough milk to EBF. This is a misconception, but an understandable one. After all, milk production is related to estrogen, and hormone-based birth control pills do dry up your milk supply. The local estrogen that you get for vaginal dryness is a different story though: Applying it to the vagina rather than taking it orally means it gets absorbed differently by your body, so that most of it goes directly to the vagina and does not enter your bloodstream. It should not have any impact on your milk supply.

It is natural to think about your milk supply when you’re EBF, but some of the things that might worry you – your breasts feeling softer, your baby needing to feed more often – are actually normal; you are doing fine, and your baby is still getting enough milk. Since breastfeeding signals your body to produce more milk, the best thing you can do to keep your milk flowing is to keep feeding your baby!

Other Causes of Vaginal Dryness

We’ve been focusing on postpartum vaginal dryness for EBF mothers, but anything that reduces your estrogen levels can cause vaginal dryness. That includes taking birth control, having your ovaries removed, getting chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer, and in particular, menopause.

In fact, a lot of information about vaginal dryness comes from studies of postmenopausal women. If your dryness is related to EBF, it isn’t exactly the same as postmenopausal dryness, but the underlying mechanism is the same: low estrogen. Much of the advice you read for postmenopausal vaginal dryness also applies to postpartum vaginal dryness.

Since all women eventually go through menopause, dryness is a very widespread health problem – but since it involves the vagina, it’s one that nobody seems to talk about. Be assured that if your vagina is dry and painful, it is a legitimate problem. It is not something you need to bear in silence. You deserve to live without that pain – after menopause, before menopause, while breastfeeding, while not breastfeeding, and at every other time in your life. If you are in pain, talk to your health care professional and expect them to listen.

Vaginal Dryness Relief

Whatever you do, don’t panic and don’t give up. Your baby may be the star of the show in these early months, but your health and comfort are important too. Postpartum vaginal dryness while exclusively breastfeeding is common, but you don't have to simply endure it. Find a treatment that works for you, prioritize your well-being, and cherish this special time with your growing family. Your comfort and health are crucial, and addressing postpartum dryness can help you fully enjoy these precious moments. Remember, taking care of yourself is an essential part of caring for your baby!