Welcome to the newest reader-friendly contribution page. Since we at Good Clean Love are always striving to see the good in life and to cultivate gratitude in our lives every day, we’d like you to join us! In honor of our favorite movie, and one of the most obvious movies about small gratitude- It’s A Wonderful Life, we want to hear what you’re grateful for in your wonderful life! Whether it be big and small, we’ll publish it here, share it on our social networks and spread the feeling of gratitude that we feel for you, our readers, every day!
Also, Good Clean Love is hosting the Summer of Gratitude contest and we are willing to take your responses on this blog into consideration for the contest. Don’t think of the contest as trying to out-gratitude each other, but rather as a way to be inspired by one another. After all, famed film director Frank Capra of “It’s A Wonderful Life” said: “Each man’s life touches so many others.”
So practice waking up and thinking about what you have to be grateful for. Most likely, you have a lot more than you think. Let’s start today with some posts from some of our fans on Facebook:
Bonnie says: “I am grateful for this time in my life. I am being given opportunities to learn lots of good life lessons.”
Stacey says: “I’m grateful for my Granddaughter that is turning 12 yrs old, and how she’s a gift from God. With all that I taught on how to be a good hearted person, she is so grown up and has become that girl that grandma loves so much! That is my joy today and every July 27th……”
Charmaine says: “I’m grateful for open communication from the heart, with my lover and all those I connect with daily.”
Thanks everyone for inspiring us! Keep on loving your wonderful lives