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Positivity Reinvents Us: Shana Tova

11albuferaToday is the first night of the Jewish New Year, and after 50 celebrations I have only just learned that this high holy day commemorates the union of Adam and Eve.  I am celebrating with love and gratitude as I welcome in this new year in San Francisco.  Sitting high among the lights of this beautiful metropolis with a view to the water and the bridges in every direction, I tried to open the party up to my new friends but ended up celebrating alone.

Actually as historic fears go, having a party that no one comes to has been high up on the list ever since I witnessed it happen to my sister in high school. The trauma has stayed with me all these decades and accompanied every festive gathering I have put together. This year, my magnificent locale and the abundance of love products in my possession moved me to open up the New Year to this new tribe of do good-ers that this SOCAP event has gathered.

Whether it was because my digs were too far across town or I just don’t know these great people well enough or there were too many competing events, I actually just lived through my first party where I was the one and only guest.  Happy New Year. It was fine.  Whew, that was a great fear to let go of…

It felt easy actually because the day was blessed with so many amazingly miraculous meetings that I feel certain are the answers to prayers long held. Perhaps subconsciously without even my own recognition, I threw this party for myself just to shake off whatever remaining remnants there are of not being enough left in me.

Shana Tova- it is a new year. One of the most moving moments of the day was meeting Khalida, a beautiful 24-year-old woman who was painting beautiful designs with henna on the hands of some incredible women, including mine… when she shared her story of starting the Sughar Empowerment Society, where in the midst of teaching young women embroidery, she also teaches life skills so that women can fight the heinous traditions of honor killings that took her best friend when they were 16.  There have already been attempts on her life, and her mother most fears that she won’t be able to marry because she is such a strong woman.  She might be the bravest young woman I have ever met.

This year I am only going to try and pay attention to what really matters. I am not going to give any more time to old ghosts or fears. I am going to love the world as it is because really everywhere you look someone is being as brave as they possibly can. You only have to want to see it.