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    Subscription Boxes 101

    If our last article with Unbound had you curious about subscription boxes, we understand. The popularity of subscription boxes has skyrocketed in 2016. Whether it’s vegan, midwifery, or intimate subscriptions, Good Clean Love products have appeared in various boxes. They’re not all for profit either; Now you can even have your contraception delivered for free! So what’s with this new, growing business of subscription?

    What is a subscription box?

    Subscription box companies coordinate with retailers to create packages filled with products. Each month they deliver the carefully curated box of goodies straight to your door! It’s like shopping, but without having to go outside. Ew.

    How does it work?

    Simply find the box or company that you’re most interested in and sign up. Some companies even let you try them out for free, offer free shipping for your first subscription, or quarterly subscriptions if you want less commitment. You can stop your subscription at any time if you aren’t feelin it. Here’s a list of boxes you can try for $10 or less.   

    Why would I do that?

    Subscription boxes can be rad. Since subscription boxes buy wholesale they can offer a selection of products at a lower cost than if you were to purchase them on your own, so that’s nice! There’s the added bonus of not having to out and purchase them yourself which can be useful if the products aren’t available in stores or if going to those particular stores is uncomfortable (i.e. the rise in ‘intimate’ subscriptions!)

    There are a TON of boxes out there.

    Whatever you’re into, there’s a box for that. We were amazed with all the cool subscriptions that keep popping up on our radar. However, we’re biased– we love the vegan and sex ones the most!

    They make great gifts!

    A subscription is the gift that keeps on giving. With so many boxes to choose from, you’re bound to find the perfect one for whomever you’re shopping for! Subscription boxes make every month feel like your birthday.

    Which boxes carry Good Clean Love?

    Glad you asked! We’ve appeared in quite a few subscriptions. We were in a Honey and Sage Co. box for pregnancy and intimacy boxes like Unbound and The Nooky Box (and soon to be featured in What’s In Your Box).

    What was that about free contraceptives??

    Yep, the subscription industry isn’t all for profit. Some really great programs are taking sexual health to next level with subscription services. The Pill Club in Cali delivers birth control to their clients for no extra cost! They also include little gifts with the delivery. (Good Clean Love will be featured in their next round of packages, yay!) There are also programs that deliver condoms and lube to promote safe sex on campus. Notably, the Condom Fairy Project which was started in Boston!

    Not all subscriptions are made equal.

    Subscribing to a box can be a big commitment. We recommend avoiding boxes that feel cheap. Make sure you’re getting a good deal, compare retail prices, pay attention to their shipping policies, and make sure the company is willing to refund products you aren’t crazy about. Also, look for businesses that are in it for the right reasons. In our interview with Unbound, they wisely advised customers toavoid the subscription boxes that are just trying to make a quick buck and don’t prioritize educational and informational content that accompanies the products”. We couldn’t agree more!

    via GIPHY