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Q&A With Unbound Box

One concept we hold very dear at Good Clean Love is that of ‘Equal Pleasure’, so much so that we made it a tenant of our sexual health initiative, Make It Good. Why? Because we shouldn’t just settle knowing our partners have been pleased, we should also expect to be pleasured in return. It is the simple idea that the individuals participating in a sexual encounter are equally satisfied. Unfortunately, it isn’t so simple in practice. The statistical gender gapbetween orgasms isappalling. There are many different explanations for this disparity but it is probably best summed up by the deeply saddening phrase: “Well, it was good enough for him so it was good enough for me”. This type of talk is EXACTLY why we need to have a conversation about equal pleasure. This is why we should empower young women to go discover their sexuality– because it belongs to them.

We aren’t the only ones who believe this either. In fact, our favorite adult subscription box company, Unbound Box, exists to encourage female pleasure (i.e. to become ‘unbound’). Curious how delivered intimacy products can function both as a force for sexual liberation and a fun way to get your goods? Same. We were lucky enough to have the folks at Unbound Box answer all of our questions regarding their company, subscription do’s and don’ts, and empowerment.

Q: Adult subscription boxes are really starting to take off. Why do you think that is?

A: Buying sexual lifestyle products will always be something that is intimidating and overwhelming for a lot of people. We hope that there’s a not-too-distant future when sexuality is less of a social stigma and taboo, but until then, receiving curated product discreetly at your door will always be a desired convenience for most.

Q: With so many new subscription boxes coming out, what should potential subscribers be looking for? What makes a good adult subscription box in your opinion?

A: At Unbound, it’s our incredible value, which is higher than any other subscription box in the market today. This quarter’s box, for example, retails for over $200 but our subscribers are able to receive it for only $65. Another important thing to look out for is the emphasis on body safe materials. Because sexual lifestyle products (e.g., vibrators, dildos) are not regulated by the FDA, some manufacturers use materials that are not considered body safe. We highly recommend making sure the subscription company you choose values medical grade silicone, along with ensuring the products are paraben free. These are the bare minimum requirements at Unbound.

Q: Now the flip side of that question: What would be some things to avoid when considering an adult subscription box?

A: I would avoid the subscription boxes that are just trying to make a quick buck and don’t prioritize educational and informational content that accompanies the products. Look for companies that deeply believe in the ethos of changing the way we view sexuality. In my opinion, those are the companies that are in this industry for the right reasons.

Q: On your website it states that there is a “robust” four step curation process that products must pass before they can be included in your boxes. What does this process look like?

A: You can read about the full process here:

Q: Unbound Box seems to have a really close relationship with it’s subscribers. What do you do if someone is unhappy with a product in their box?

A: We take customer service very seriously and respond personally to every email within 24 hours. If a customer is unsatisfied with a product, we always want to know where we fell short and how we can improve, but we also want to make sure they’re happy. We’ll gladly exchange any product for something else should a customer be unsatisfied. We want to change the way women and couples shop for these products and a large part of that is guaranteeing that they’ll like what they buy. We want to take away any fear that they’ll end up with something that doesn’t work for them by making returns as simple and pain free as possible.

Q: So many Unbound boxes to choose from: Which box has been the most popular? Where do you get your inspiration for new themes?  

A: The subscription box is always centered on anchor items — pieces that clearly reflect the value in the box. Each quarter it gets more and more popular, as the value continues to increase. This quarter we’re featuring The Minna Limon and the Eva couples vibrator — both which retail for over $100 on their own. With regards to the standalone curated boxes on the site, there are a couple things we draw for when looking for themes:

  • Life event: throughout our lives there are moments in which our sexuality changes, shifts, grows, contracts. We curate boxes that address these moments in a woman’s life. Whether it’s a bachelorette party, pregnancy, menopause or your wedding night; we’re there for women as they go through these moments in life
  • Sexual experiences: many of our curated boxes focus on specific sexual experiences that individuals want to try. So while strap ons, shower sex, and bdsm might be something an individual is interested in, notallof our subscribers will be, so we try to curate the more niche sexual boxes on the site for individual purchase
  • Culturally relevant: we try to never take ourselves too seriously as a brand. As such, a lot of our boxes are just fun ways to relate to our customers. The Harry Potter Box and The Ballot Box are two great examples of curated boxes that exist simply to have fun. Life’s too short not to, right?

Q: There are some boxes that clearly have a novelty character: for example, The Ballot Box featuring a Trump Merkin and the Harry Potter themed ‘Magic Wand’ box that includes glow in the dark condoms. However, there are also boxes that address social issues in a genuine and empowering way. Notably, The Unravel Box which was part of a campaign to encourage girls to explore their sexuality. Would you expand on that initiative?

A: Absolutely! We’re partnering with the sexual education company, Tabu, to increase awareness on college campuses nationwide. Our initiative focuses on giving women permission to explore their bodies and masturbate. We believe that while consent is extremely important topic on college campuses, we’re still lacking a fundamental stage for women before that — self exploration. The Unravel Box is priced at a low cost because we so deeply believe that every woman should have the opportunity to explore herself and learn what works for her, prior to engaging in sexual activity with another person.

The Unravel Box empowers young women to learn what works for them. 

Q: Unbound Box only sources products from manufacturers that are pro-woman and body-positive. Aligned manufacturer ethos must bring you into contact with lots of feminist brands! What are some new or perhaps less known manufacturers that you would recommend?

A: There are so many! We started a group called The Women of Sex Tech here in NYC as a result of meeting so many amazing female founders in this space. Some of our favorite members include Alex Fine and Janet Lieberman from Dame Products, Cindy Gallop from MakeLoveNotPorn, Tiffany Gaines and Claire Courney from Lovability, and The Wing (not specific to the sexual lifestyle industry, but still!) founded by Audrey Gelman.

Q: Your latest subscription box, Sex Machina, features an AMAZING deal on Eva. The couples vibrator by Dame Products is roughly 40% off in your box. How is it possible for boxes to provide subscribers with such great discounts?! Is this a limited time offer or will the box be available after the quarter is over?  

A: This is a limited time offer for subscribers only and we’re able to receive these prices because we’re buying scale and have purchasing power equal to a distributor. Make sure you snag yours before they sell out!

Q: Finally, what does being “unbound” mean to you?

A: Being Unbound means embracing your entitlement to enjoy your body and yourself.

Interview courtesy of,

Sasha Aurand
Editor in Chief of Unbound,
Published Social Psychologist, Kinsey Institute