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The Opening Door – Show 037: Dr. Tammy Nelson, The New Monogamy

Coming to terms with life and love after infidelity is one of life’s biggest challenges that many long term relationships face. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation with internationally recognized sex and relationship therapist Tammy Nelson as she explains how betrayal can also become an opportunity to redefine your relationship and build a stronger commitment in the wake of infidelity. Tammy’s straight talk and profound insight into the inner workings of intimate partnerships will provide profound advice to help you recommit to your relationship or decide how to leave it with dignity.


Tammy-bio-pic2Tammy Nelson, LPC is a licensed psychotherapist and author with over 20 years experience working with individuals and couples. In her private practice she helps couples increase the passion in their relationship using empathic dialogue and other forms of intimate communication. She holds a PhD in Sexology from the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists, and a Masters of Science Degree in Art Therapy and Psychology, she is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Sexologist, a Diplomate of the American Board of Sexologists, a Registered Art Therapist, and a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor as well as a Certified Imago therapist, an Advanced Clinician and Certified Imago workshop presenter. Tammy is the founder and Director of the Center for Healing in Connecticut, a holistic psychotherapy center providing psychotherapy, massage, hypnosis, as well as groups, workshops and classes that support a balanced, holistic lifestyle. Tammy is the author of several books including “The New Monogamy”, “Getting the Sex You Want” and “Whats Eating You?” She travels world wide to train therapists, doctors and health practitioners. Her passion is to help couples increase their connection regardless of boredom or conflict. Tammy works with clients of all genders, sexual identities and ages to re-charge their relationships and create long term connection.