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    How to Feel Lovable

    One of my all time favorite quotes by the Buddha is:

    “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” And yet,  this is often the most challenging part of our development, coming to believe in our own lovability. Yet, when it comes down to it there is no other single more powerful fix to our relationships and even life in general than coming to a practice of loving ourselves.

    It is no wonder that one of the most popular missions in the Love Agent headquarters is  “Be Lovable.” Just recognizing that you need to love yourself is where the magic begins. The power of our attention focused inward is exponential and, like our Love Agent describes here, just being with ourselves is usually enough to tip the scale in our favor.   She says:

    “When I feel unlovable: crappy, gross, cranky, dull, stagnant, and heavy…I go do yoga. I just sit in my room and the smell of my mat makes me feel better. Some days I barely do anything, I do one stretch and breathe and at least I had a quiet moment. Some days I get a complete energy boost and change my thought process/emotions/physical feelings instantly. Being filled with self-love makes me want to receive and give love.”

    What can you do today that can bring you closer to yourself.

    Sign up and try the mission here…