Dedicate yourself to the work of love and positivity.
Make your work an offering to the highest good for everyone you can think of.
Allow the force of goodness to magnetize all the people, circumstances and
resources you need to achieve your greatest potential.
Learn to receive the goodness in equal measure to what you create.
Better still, don’t measure the inflow and outflow.
It is all the same.
This is a solid ground to come back to over and over and over again.
I have given up any prayers that sound like wishes for how I want things to go.
Instead I am devoted to finding our what faith feels like when it is more solid than the fears and doubts that show up unbidden.
Even at the most peaceful and self possessed moments the prayer holds up. I don’t want any pretense or slippery ego to divert me from the work. Even when I am sure about what I want, I want to have the humility always to want what is for the highest good.
It is easy to find this place when you measure it in your ability to sleep well.