How many siblings did you have? Three, like me? Less? Were you an only child?
According to a new study out of Penn State, having opposite sex siblings affected your confidence in attracting and interacting with the opposite sex. The researchers think that this has to do with being provided plenty of opportunities to resolve conflicts, have discussions and witness varying perspectives about things. Particularly, the study says that if opposite sex siblings were close, the individuals also had heightened romantic confidence.
Think it ends there? Think again. Bustle pulls together several more pieces of research about how siblings affect not only your romantic life, but your life in general.
In 2013, a study out of Ohio University said that you’re more likely to stay married if you have a lot of siblings. According to the research, each additional sibling you have decreases your chance of divorce by 2%. Researchers believe this is because more siblings gives you a wider opportunity to work through conflict.
Another two year study found that older sisters actually have quite the influence on younger ones. When psychologist Patricia East started a women’s clinic in California, she saw a lot of pregnant teens. A pattern became apparent that they were often another woman’s younger sister. When she decided to study it, she found that a woman whose older sister was a teen mom is five times more likely to become one herself.
But what if you’re an only child? No worries, says this study. Basically, only children are just as confident and well-rounded as children with siblings. Only thing, since only children were generally pretty self-sufficient and independent from an early age, a match-up between an only child and a youngest child tends to be best, as two only children (or an oldest child with an only child) can result in some unnecessary power struggles. However, each relationship is unique and shouldn’t be held to such straight and narrow rules.
Readers, what are your thoughts on this research? Feel like it applies to you?